My philosophy is to instill the basic skills needed to foster and create a safe learning environment while encouraging responsibility. My goal is to hold students accountable for maintaining appropriate behaviors and following class rules. Each day all students start on green and move up or down on the scale throughout the day. "Second chances" are always encouraged when change and actions are displayed (to be Christ-like). Students have an opportunity not only to demonstrate great actions and work, but can also strive to be outstanding!

Positive Peacock Behavior Chart

Purple-Proud Peacock: your child has done an exceptional job of following classroom rules/procedures/work well with others

Blue-Strut your stuff: Student has followed all class rules/procedures/work well with others

Green-Plucking Along: All students start on this level each morning

Yellow-Ruffled a few feathers: Student is given a verbal warning for behaviors/choices

Teal -Mrs. Chavira's Choice: Student was unable to redirect behavior/ teacher will select appropriate action/parent contact